1-888-466-7827: OnStar Customer Service Phone Number in USA
Phone No
Customer Service
24 hours, 7 days
Get in touch with OnStar customer support number on 1-888-4ONSTAR.
Call for Emergency services, Stolen Vehicle, Crisis assist and Roadside assistance.
Call for Emergency services, Stolen Vehicle, Crisis assist and Roadside assistance.
Locked out of my car
I was at the plant nursery loading a wagon full of plants into the trunk of the car. My pocketbook kept sliding off my shoulder. I took it off and placed it in the trunk to finish the job. I closed the trunk and as soon as I did I knew exactly what I had done. My phone, my wallet and all my numbers where locked securely in the trunk. After a moment I realized I had On Star. The nursery loaned me a phone and I did remember my pin number but nothing else. I was thrilled to have them unlock the door. Thank you so much!