1-800-706-7337: Hitachi Power Tools Customer Service Phone Number in USA

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Where I can purchase Armature Assy 220V, Stator Assy220v and Switching Power Supply 220V for Hitachi C12RSH 12"?

Craig F Duba

Sat, 04/11/2020 - 18:11

This is the second time I've messaged this company, I cannot express words of my disappointment in my purchase of C10FSHC. It should not been released from manufacturing, being the positive stop at a 90 degree bevel is off at least 3 degrees, That's not the quality I remember on my last Hitachi products, and unless this matter can be resolved there will not be any purchases in the future, as I said in the previous letter, I've been a carpenter for over 40 years, I'm not a weekend warrior, I use my tools everyday. Craig Duba

Dear Sir/ Mam

I have bought Hitachi Rotary Hammer DH40MC CS80106 on Dated 04/11/2019.. it is under warranty of 12 Months. But unfortunately iit"s Gear Box is broken within smoothly operating. Please do the needful & Oblige. I am attaching my bill along with this mail for your reference.

Thanks & Regards

Yours Sincerely

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