Official website: Rite Aid Online Customer Service Link in USA
Reducing the viral spread
I am a physician. Today I went to the Rite Aid drugstore for an Rx. While standing in line I noticed a person at the pharmacy window who had a frequent moist cough. Her attempts to cover the cough were noticeably inadequate. I was concerned that she even came to the store in her condition. Aside from that she should have been wearing a mask to prevent droplet spread.
I’m thinking that all businesses and public places should have signage or a screening person at the entrance to detour any persons who obviously might be spreading disease. An alternative would be to dispense masks to select people at the entrance.
Thanks for your consideration.
A. Bruce Cattle, M.D.
Blood pressure
We wrote to you telling you that the BP3aqi consistently reads 30 points high. Doctor checked versus his office old-style pump up. You told us to come exchange it. Unfortunately, we were side-tracked with my wife's cancer diagnosis. What can we do now? Thank you very much and stay safe.
Someone needs to visit the Hamlin branch
The pharmacy for the past few months is ridiculous!! I call in my prescriptions and it tells me when it's ready, I go an hour or so after the time to pick it up and it's still not ready! I've put medications on hold because some how we have too many, open the bag when I'm home and there's the prescriptions that I put on hold! Waiting in line is ridiculous, there are 5 people working one day and only 1 person will wait on people. Twice now I've gone and there are literally 7 people in front of me, only one person helping people on the register, another woman will not help, pretends to be busy until someone drives up to the window. How about waiting on the customers that are standing there !! Went yesterday picked up a prescriptions only to have an automated call an hour later to tell me I have another prescription ready so now it's another trip to the store!! No one ever answers when you call.