866-901-2739: Keurig Customer Service Phone Number in USA
Phone No
Customer Service
7am - 10pm, 7 days EST
866-901-BREW, call Keurig Coffee maker customer support helpline .
Keep your brewer serial number handy, if you are calling to return a brewer.
Keep your brewer serial number handy, if you are calling to return a brewer.
So dissatisfied
I am so frustrated with keurig!!! I bought a duo coffee maker due to easy making 1 cup or a full pot. Within 3months it stopped brewing... went through ts and to no avail called customer service. They sent me another. Then about 3 months later same thing happened. Again called they sent me another upgrade. Another 3 months same...and another 3months it stopped brewing. Now this is my 4th machine and customer service said due to it being a replacement he couldn’t do anything!!!
I am so disappointed and angry that I spent on my original $100.00 and nothing can be done. I will never buy another keurig again they are trash! I guess it’s back to my mr coffee!