Official website: Apple Online Customer Service Link in USA

Customer Service
Find Apple customer support online.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Apple customer support.


1-800-275-2273 - details
1-800–692–7753 - details
1-800-694-7466 - details
 - details


Walter tachiki

Sun, 01/14/2018 - 23:35

got a call saying he was an apple representative that was alerting me to an intrusion into my icloud account. gave me a number 800 694 7466 as the number he was calling from and wanted me to access my desktop computer so he could install security measures.. I refused then I called applle direct an was advised that apple does not do this kind of thing. Happily I did not allow them to access my computer I am going to put out on social media of this scam so others will not listen to this BS.

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