1-800-238-6225: Travelers Insurance Business Claim Phone Number in USA

Phone No
Toll Free
Business Claim
8am - 5pm, 5 days
Call to report business insurance claims or check status of a claim.
Claim professionals are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm local time.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Travelers Insurance customer support.


consumeraffairs@travelers.com - details
1-800-842-5075 - details
1-866-336-2077 - details
1-800-252-4633 - details
Official website - details


My car was insured fully by the company and recently met with an accident with no fault of mine. The insurance company fully accepted it and promised pay the estimate. But now they are denying to pay the full estimated claim price, this is really bad.

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