Official website: LifeLock Online Customer Service Link in USA

Customer Service

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Linda Nelsom

Sun, 02/17/2019 - 01:00

Would like to know why when I call I must give you my full social security #. I give you my full name, address, and even my member ID #. with all that information you should be able to answer my simple question. All I wanted to find out is why I no longer received credit reports or my credit score. I have been a customer for many years but I am becoming very unsatisified. I used to get credit information once in awhile but now only your bill every month.

Judy Knuth

Sat, 03/23/2019 - 23:26

I was very upset to find out and not by your company that you double charged my account after years of membership. Tried to call but after being transferred four times on March 23, 2019 around 12:10 pm first person, did not get her name then transferred to Morgan then Jen and each time back to where we started when we first called having to continuously give my SSN, BD and address we finally were fortunately connected to Shaun who gave some of the best customer service. The other people seemed to just blow us off. We had Ultimate coverage but after this screw up and the way we were treated and handled we DROPPED Lifeloc* Ultimate or should I say dropped everything completely.

If you are suppose to protect me why in heavens name would you double charge me in the first place and then not notify me? Not until I called to find out you credited 1/2 back the next month on a statement I would not get till April. This is not how you treat customers and I will look for some other avenue to protect myself. And again Very Upset and Angry on how I was treated.

Judi White Wolf

Tue, 04/23/2019 - 04:42

I had a mortgage loan taken out on me in 2011. I now possibly just found out that there is another one in 2017. I was on the Equifax area at the bottom. I have lifelock and thought you need too know. There also was a car loan taken out but I don't know when. Can you help find out who is doing this. Thank you Also, look at my son for this.

Brian Bennett

Thu, 05/16/2019 - 19:20

I was at your Collins Hill location of Kohl's in Lawrenceville, GA on the evening of May 2 shopping for a belt. I found one and walked up to check out and there was no clerks in the check out lanes. I saw a woman at the customer service desk and walked towards her. I saw that she was counting out change to her drawer and asked her if she would be able to check me out. Her reaction to that simple question was one of complete disgust. She instantly threw the change in her hand into her drawer, rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. I was utterly shocked by her response and threw the belt up in the air and walked out of the store, telling her she needed to go home if she wasn't able to assist anyone.

After being a Kohl's customer for many years I am now thoroughly disgusted with the lack of service I experienced and the reaction of the customer service woman.

My only regret is that I didn't get her name. I have worked in customer service field for many years as well and would never tolerate this type of attitude coming from any of my associates and I would never burden a customer with that type of response myself. Kohl's should be very ashamed and needs to be training their associates with great customer service skills.

William benjamin

Thu, 08/15/2019 - 07:20

I spent much of Monday while inNewark airport trying to correct your communication with myKey Bank account. I removed the account and reinstalled it many times only to get the same message again within an hour. When I talked with a rep I was told all was fine fromLufelck point of view. It had to be a bank problem. I contacted he bank abdthey said they could see That Lifelock had attempted contact with my accounts several times. They assured me all was fine. I contacted Lifelock again and was told they had fixed the problem. Go enjoy your vacation now that everything is fine now. Two days later I received another email saying that again you could not receive information from my Key accounts. I again removed the account and reinstalled it. I opened my Lifelock account and saw info from the account. Please confirm the account is functioning properly as I will be out of the country. I am not a happy customer.

Joseph z anders

Mon, 10/21/2019 - 15:04

How much more will it cost to add privacy monitoring? Yes i am a client.

Thank you

Maria McNamara

Sun, 07/19/2020 - 23:38

I was trying to let you know I have a new credit card for your billing. You may not get paid again. She immediately put me thru a number of questions and I failed. I was just trying to give you information that you need. Also, and I don't mean to be petty, but her words were hard to understand. I don't have a drivers license, have not seen my social security card for 12 years, so I guess old people of 82 don't belong in your group, and please don't help me with your security anymore. I'm paying for something I can't talk to you about. I would like to keep your service but communication avenues are too limited.

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