1-877-284-7942: Experian Customer Service Phone Number in USA
Phone No
Customer Service
6am - 6pm, 7 days PT
Call if you have questions about your Experian Credit TrackerSM, Experian CreditWorksSM, or Triple Advantage membership.
Saturday-Sunday: 8am - 5pm PT.
Saturday-Sunday: 8am - 5pm PT.
Customer service
Customer service is horrible, I need to speak to a live agent and those numbers up top is automated only, that sucks and it poor customer service. Is this just a gripe session or is someone from Experian gonna address these issues?
Credit freeze
I added a freeze to my account years ago and lost my pin. I tried removing the freeze because I am refinancing my home and you couldnt make it any more difficult. I went online, had to answer several questions which apparently I got one or more wrong, I don't know, don't really have all my loan terms memorized so it was probably that. Anyway, I was given a screen saying I had to mail in my ID. This is 2020 and there should be a quicker way to verify the real person that delaying for snail mail so I called, was given a FAX number to send to, sent it, freeze not removed, called again, told no, we don't accept faxes you have to mail it it. So now I've overnighted my ID in hopes the freeze will be removed promptly. I appreciate the need to protect my credit but seriously, get with the technology available, it does not have to be this difficult.