866-349-5191: Equifax Fraud Alert Phone Number in USA

Phone No
Toll Free
Fraud Alert
8am - 8pm, 5 days EST
Working days: Monday to Friday.
Contact Equifax customer service to place a fraud alert on your credit report.
You can also call on this number to request a copy of your credit report.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Equifax customer support.


877-742-1415 - details
888-548-7878 - details
866-640-2273 - details
Official website - details
 - details
 - details


Arthur Pogue

Tue, 02/19/2019 - 04:03

I can't see on my report about a $1,000 loan from Trustmark Bank and I don't see on my report a $5,000 student loan both loans I paid back on time and both loans are settled in good standing.

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