Official website: Whole Foods Market Online Customer Service Link in USA

Customer Service

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Virgina Young

Tue, 12/18/2018 - 22:18

I bought a Tropical Mango Fruit Smoothie at the Whole Foods “health bar” in Destin, FL yesterday. I wanted to try a healthy green drink to see if it is palatable before buying the ingredients. My husband and I shared a bottle and thought is was pretty tasty. Then I read the label! 45 grams of sugar! We could have had a giant chocolate bar, a super size milk shake, a 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola! No wonder it was tasty! I think selling this drink in a “health bar” at a market the public thinks is “healthy” is deceitful and false advertising. You should be ashamed. Or at least let people know the sugar grams before they buy it. I am disappointed in Whole Foods.

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